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How new technologies have influenced judicial systems

 new technologies can be seen in any area of ​​current human activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are also present in justice systems, modifying processes and making them more accessible.

This does not mean that the transition is easy, as the people involved must have basic knowledge of the use of electronic devices, among other things. Still, it is interesting to note how new technologies have influenced judicial systems.

It is important to remember that when we talk about judicial systems we are not referring only to trials in courts. Although court hearings are indeed the heart of the system, it is also true that there are a multitude of mechanisms around them that contribute to its proper functioning.

This implies that digitalization must occur in all aspects related to a particular process. With this idea in mind, let's take a closer look at some aspects related to the topic.

Digitalized database

The first aspect for the proper administration of justice is the digitalization of the available databases . In this regard, the DNI (National Identification Document) stands out, which is equipped with the latest digital technologies. In this way, a more adequate record of the residents and citizens of Spain can be kept unequivocally.

Of course, this helps to link administrative offences more easily to the perpetrator . As a result, all relevant background information can be taken into account for the administration of justice at any given time.

Now, a digital database is a huge step towards the administration of justice through technological mechanisms. However, the very nature of storing data through electronic means leads to changes in the administration of justice in other aspects. For the aforementioned mechanisms to function properly, it was necessary to review the applicable laws, especially those related to data protection. 

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Of course, creating and maintaining a digital database involves processing and archiving personal information, which is usually considered private. But at what point does it become mandatory to hand over the data contained in a digital database to third parties? What sanctions should be applied to those who mishandle the data in their care? And what does it mean to misuse digital data?

Well, legislators have taken all these factors into account when developing laws applicable to each case. But all of the above gives us an idea of ​​the scope of new technologies in the administration of justice.

Online trials, the administration of justice amid the pandemic

It is an undeniable fact that the administration of justice cannot be stopped indefinitely. However, in the context of the current crisis generated by SARS-CoV-2, the need arose to find mechanisms that would speed up processes without putting people's health at risk.

Within this framework, hearings have been scheduled via the Internet, specifically using videoconferencing mechanisms. From the experts' perspective, this represented a considerable advance in the use of new technologies in the administration of justice.

However, the truth is that the lack of knowledge of magistrates, judges, lawyers, plaintiffs and defendants about the platforms available for videoconferencing means that the process is not as fluid as one would expect.

All of the above shows that there is still a long way to go before new technologies are effectively incorporated into judicial systems. In the meantime, regardless of the mechanisms used, if you have to appear before a court, find a lawyer who is effective with technological advances.

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